Regional Series: Ethiopia

Ethiopia; often referred to as the birthplace of coffee. A region surrounded in mystery, well known for it's superb, high-quality single origin coffees. Coffees from this region are well known for thier complexity with qualities comparable to wine that is often found with a distinct acidity. 

Although it is referred to as the birthplace of coffee, it is likely that it is actually just the birthplace of arabica that first appeared in southern Sudan, but flourished in Ethiopia. It was first consumed as a fruit and then eventually a beverage. It is thought that coffee was first exported form Ethiopia in the early 1600s. 

While most coffee regions will have a singular, specialised production system, Ethiopia actually has 3; Forest Coffe, Garden Coffee & Plantation Coffee. 

Forest Coffee come from the wild trees grown mostly in the southwest of the country, that produce a broad mixture of different varietals, however they do have a low yield. 

Garden Coffees are trees planted in homesteads or similar dwellings. These are less natural and the sahde is more managed with tactics such as regular pruning to prevent too much shading of the fruit. 

Plantation Coffees come from trees grown on a mass scale on large farms where standard agricultural mehtods are used in management and production. (Pruning, fertiliazation, mulching, prioritising disease resistant varients.)

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange has been the largest change to the tarde in recent years. The ECX was created with the aims of establishing an efficient trading system that protected seller & buyer. The system limits opportunities for buyers as traceability is lost with the grading system but the industry in the country has evolved and there re opportunities to work outside the ECX system. 

Growing Regions

Sidama: One of the regions trademarked by the Ethiopian government in 2004 (the other two being Harrar and Yirgacheffe), with the aim of building awareness of Ehtiopia's distinct coffee. This region produces an even mix of natural and washed coffees that are massively popular with those who enjoy intense, fruity coffee. The growing altitude is the highest in Ethiopia. Our Women's Washed is a stunning example of an Ethiopian coffee from Sidama. 

Limu: While this small regions reputation is not as wll known as the trademarked regions, it still processes some amazing coffees. The growers in this region are mostly small-holders but there are some large government owned plantations. 

Jima: This region produces a large portion of Ethiopia's coffee. The name of this region is also written as "Jimmah", "Jimma" or "Djimmah"

Ghimbi/Lekempti: This region surrounds the two towns on Ghimbi/Lekempti. Lekempti is the capital city, but a roaster may use Ghimbi/Kimpti or sometimes both as a coffee from Leekmpti could most likely been from Ghimbi which is only 62 miles away. 

Harrar: The second trademarked region in Ethiopia and the oldest producing region. Coffees from this region are quite distinct and different, grown in environments requiring extra irrigation.Although this regions coffees can be incosistent often veering from eathy woody palates to amazing blueberry profiles, it has maintained a strong reputation. The coffees are so unique that they are often referred to as the cup that opened baristas eyes to the flavours possible in a cup. 

Yirgacheffe: The final trademarked region in Ehtiopia. Coffees in this region are truly unique. So many of these washed coffees are immensely aromatic, full of citrus an floral notes and have a light and elegant body. This is renowned as one of the greatest and most interesting regions producing coffee. The highest quality cups fetch high premiums and have been said to remind some of a cup of earl grey tea. 

Discover the flavours of Ethiopia by brewing our Women' Washed coffee, with notes of jasmine, honey and lime. It's a clean and pleasant cup. Buy Women's Washed here.



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