This delicious rolled oolong is grown in Nantou County, Taiwan. Where it is gently roasted after being rolled into it's characteristic tight spherical shapes. This tea has a rich and spicy aroma, with a long sweet finish. .
Because the tea is tightly rolled, it can benefit from a brief 'wash' to open up the leaves. Simply pour a first brew and leave to infuse for 15 seconds or so, then discard, and proceed to brew as normal.
Brewing Instructions
Western style:
Measure 3g per cup (250ml), add water 90-95º C, infuse for 3 minutes.
3 Infusions.
Traditional Style:
Measure 3-5g per cup (100-125ml), infuse in 90-95º C water for 1 minute. Subsequent infusions from 60 seconds gradually increasing the time with each infusion.
Made this way the tea can be brewed between 3-5 times.